LGTQ+ is a community that lives a whole different lifestyle. They are labeled as an ‘indigenous’ community which means that they are devoid of their rights. Around the world, ‘gender stereotyping is a major issue. What it means is pretty simple: People look down on folks of another gender. These genders do not specify themselves as ‘he’ or ‘she.’
Instead, they opt for either ‘others’ or any other gender pronoun. In turn, this is not acceptable to society. However, it is essential to note here that gender stereotypes are commonplace in all walks of life. No matter what the profession of the ‘gendered’ person is, they are very likely to be exposed to the violation of their basic rights. Of course, Hollywood is no exception.

Rodnae / Pexels / Despite massive inequality, queer icons have starred throughout the golden age of Hollywood.
If you look at the golden age of Hollywood, you will figure out that queer icons (AKA LGBTQ+ stars) have been shining throughout the age. And this is the case even though they have been subjected to subjugation and gender stereotypes. Kicked off in the early 1920s, Hollywood’s golden age was the era of class, elegance, and luxury.
An era where diverse icons shined throughout the four decades period. It was this golden age of Hollywood (roughly between 1920 and 1960) that paved the way for a brighter future for Hollywood. If nothing, this era propagated a whole new perspective of the film industry.
The Elegance & Class of Hollywood's Golden Age
Apart from the elegance of the golden, there was one thing that is sadly missing in the showbiz industry today: Diversity. By then, film icons were not judged by the color of their skin, religious beliefs, or ethnicity. And, of course, gender was not an issue either - as it is today.

Elle / The golden age of Hollywood (roughly between 1920 and 1960) was an era of elegance, class, and diversity.
Thus, throughout the golden era of Hollywood, queer stars (hailing from the LGBTQ+ community) rose above the clouds. Consequently, they left a long-lasting impression on the onlookers.
Today, as we look back at the golden age of Hollywood, we can not help but appreciate the lifelong impression that the era imprinted on our minds.

The Epoch Times / The stars of Hollywood’s golden age portrayed every single aspect of life in a perfect manner. And queer icons of that era are no exceptions.
Looking back at the golden age of Hollywood, it isn't easy to label these icons. Everything they did was simply the best. The smile, the tears, the joy, and the agony: Everything was displayed to the best ability of these classical stars.
Nonetheless, it is important to keep a note here that life as ‘others’ was also difficult for queer icons by then. Despite the diversity of the golden age, it was never easy to be a queer star. But these icons of the golden age went above mere gender and thrived throughout the era living an epitome of elegance to the upcoming queer icons.