A gay Humboldt Penguin couple started their family with a new hatchling!
Gifford Zoo in Newyork has been in the limelight as it has successfully made gay penguins the foster parents of an egg laid by a female penguin. According to the news release, the zoo has unsuccessfully tried to incubate eggs in the past through foster couples but this time they chose the power couple Elmer and Lima to incubate the egg.

Pixabay/Pexels | Gay penguins with their foster children
How The Penguins Become Foster Parents
Elmer and LIma formed a couple for the breeding season; they built a nest together and also protected their territory so the zoo management decided to test their fostering ability. Ted Fox, the zoo director, has been choosing penguins to incubate eggs so he knows there are fewer chances of same-sex penguins incubating the eggs but he is willing to take a chance anyway. He added by saying that not all penguins are good at incubating eggs as they need practice. Some pairs may not accept the dummy egg easily. They may sit on their nest themselves and keep the egg aside or not incubate it correctly or even fight to sit on it.

DSD/Pexels | Penguins pair up to form a couple before the breeding season
After observing all these factors, on the 23rd of December, the zoo authority decided to try the new couple for its fostering capabilities to incubate the egg laid by a female penguin, Paquita. According to the zoo, Elmer and Lima have turned out to be exemplary parents and took turns sitting on the egg, warming and feeding their chick since birth. The management also added that the couple is doing well so far, and if they continue to do so, they may even welcome new additions in the future.

Pixabay/Pexels | Penguin hatchling warming up.
Director’s Message
Fox said that people can relate to animals in various ways. Elmer and Lima’s fostering story is an example that people of all ages and backgrounds could relate to. Zoos across the world have tried to get the eggs incubated by same-sex parents. At Sealife Sydney, Sphen and Magin are also a gay penguin couple who recently had their third anniversary. They were fortunate enough to welcome their first chick in 2018 and then their second offspring in 2020.