The United Nations released a new report about gender inequality across the world. According to the report, the achievement of gender equality, all around the world is still centuries away. The report warns that achieving gender equality in its truest sense is something that can be achieved in the next 300 years! Based on the report, it turns out that the current progress in achieving gender equality worldwide is “too slow.” Not 2030 even! Maybe 2330, the report warns.

CNN / A new UN report warns that achieving gender equality in its truest sense is not possible in the next 300 years.
However, it is essential to note here when we say “gender equality,” we mean a couple of things - as does the UN report. To begin with, gender equality, if achieved in the truest sense, will allow women to make as much money as men do. Thus, daily wages and payment equality are the foremost concerns of gender equality fanatics.
Nonetheless, the problem is that gender equality is much more complex than it appears to be. Throughout the world, men and women do not get paid equally. And some of the reasons are fair and others are holistically based on gender stereotypes. For example, 90% of “hard labor” is done by men. Bricklayers, for instance, are generally men. And women, on the other hand, tend to go for “soft labor.” In turn, the difference in daily wages gets birth. And this is what most people call gender inequality. So, if you look at these fundamental issues, you will fathom that some jobs pay massively. And other “low quality” jobs that are often done by women pay less. As a result, the biological difference and ability to carry hard labor give birth to gender inequality.

Rosemary / Pexels / Men generally get paid massively because of the “hard labor” that they are capable of. And this creates gender discrimination.
Similarly, there are hundreds of instances where males are seemingly superior to females. From households and social activities to corporate levels, men outperform women. And that, in turn, becomes the reason for gender inequality.
5 Shocking gender Inequality Facts Around the World
Listed below are some shocking gender inequality facts around the world:
- Across the world, more than 400 million girls and women live in extreme poverty. This number is way higher compared to men and boys.
- All over the world, more than 1.5 billion women live under “male patriarchy.” A society where men make all the decisions. And the right to abortion is restricted.

Quang / Pexels / According to a UN Women report, more than 400 million girls and women live in “extreme poverty” around the world.
- According to the UN Women report, across the world, more the 2 million girls are “forced” to get married before the age of 18.
- “Honor killing” which targets underage girls is on the rise for the last 10 years. According to a report, every 10 minutes, one girl is killed as part of “honor killing” around the world.
- Throughout the world, at least 150 million girls do not have access to primary education.
Thus, all these issues add to the graveness of gender inequality. Women are left behind and their rights are sabotaged by male patriarchic societies. Based on this, the UN report warns that achieving gender equality is farther than three centuries from now.